New Construction

After 8 years on Blogger, Jon and I have decided to move to our own web address...  yikes, I hate learning a new system... yet I kind of love it at the same time!  If you read my blog on a regular basis (Well as regularly as I post anyway) then stay tuned for the new address.  We hope to be up and running in the next couple of weeks...  

We are also planning to combine our Photography portfolio into the same site since we haven't been doing a lot of work outside of friends and family.  Exciting things coming!


Ava was a total ham during our photo shoot on Mother's Day.  There were a hundred photos that look just as adorable as this one.  She loved having her hair curled and her moments in the spotlight. She is simply a natural!

The other kids took more work, but as Kay put it, they all really projected their unique personalities... it is one of the reasons I absolutely love the photos from this shoot!