
Since I usually work every Friday, TGIF is not usually in my vocabulary, but today, TGIFF!!! I can see how live interactions with teachers and other students is helping most of my kids, especially Liv. But I can also see how stressful it is for them trying to follow their schedules, keep track of zoom links and assignments, and focus on what needs to happen in an environment full of things they would rather be doing. We all need this weekend. We need to regroup, rest, revitalize all that crap. Even my dogs look stressed out.

Wes is having a lot of behaviors. I think virtual classrooms are too busy for him and he can’t follow what is happening, so he just doesn’t try. He talks constantly to us or his PSW, but can’t seem to say a word to his class. The microphone goes on and he freezes. He screams and whines about every 5-10 minutes. He is excited for Halloween, which I can’t seem to emphasize for him enough, will not look anything like he is used to. I do t even know how to make Halloween fun this year. He hates that it’s fall, that we have a family of 6, the number 6, that he has to be in school, that we read books together, that his IPad has time limits, that 8 is bedtime, that the sun comes up, that Cheerios and pancakes don’t fall from the sky in unlimited quantities… I can go on, but I won’t.

It’s been raining for three days, on and off. I’m so grateful for rain, but I’m also feeling constrained by it. This morning I curled up on a chair next to an open window in my bedroom and just tried to hear the rain, feel the wind and the light. Loose myself in nature. Sure, it was a woo-woo moment, but sometimes our brain and bodies need woo-woo!

One week down!