

Peppermint Patty knows what I am talking about! I’m so tired, I should just go to bed! I think going back to work after an extended vacation is highly over-rated… even when the “vacation” is as stressful and cumbersome as mine was!

It was a nice work weekend, not too slow, not too busy, but I am impossibly tired.


This could be my culprit… my arm was pretty darn sore this morning, but I barely notice it now. Its amazing what the human body can endure! In two weeks it will have made an army to protect me from this nasty invader. In an unprecedented year… “BUILD ME AN ARMY!” body! One thing I know for certain is that I do not need to contract COVID 19 AND influenza!!!!

Ok, seriously, I’m going to bed. Tomorrow is sure to be another grueling day!