Happy Mother's Day

I had a great Mother's Day!  I woke up on my own accord... which always makes for a great day!  My husband and two eldest children were hard at work concocting something amazing in the kitchen... turned out to be omelets, chocolate dipped strawberries, carmel and pecan glazed cinnamon rolls, and mimosas.  Yummy!

Then I got hand made cards and pictures from my children.  This was one of my favorites... from Taylor:

It says: "Deer mom  I love you becuase you are wendrful."

I love being Wendrful!

Taylor also made me an awesome painted washer necklace on twin.  Very easy on the neck :) 
And there were flowers... I love having flowers on my table! 

Later we went outside and took photos for a project that I dreamed up for Kay.  I created graphics using the kids names to spell out the word "LOVE".  Jon and I thought it was pretty cool that we could do that with our kid's names.  So we took the photos, edited them and had them printed.  Then we had a four photo frame where we put each child with their letter in a frame and spelled love.  But I liked the photo above so much that we also had that one printed! 

Then we spent the rest of the evening cooking delicious food at Kay's... and I ate way too much...  :( But it was so good!